The InfoTaskForce Guide to the Infocom Data File Structure ========================================================== Copyright (c) 1992 InfoTaskForce Type 3 (Standard) Data File. ---------------------------- From: start_of_data_file To: size of header - 1 Data: Header. From: size of header To: common_word_ptr - 1 Data: Common Word Table. From: common_word_ptr To: common_word_ptr + ( 3 * 32 * 2 ) ~ ( object_list - 1 ) Data: Common Word Table Index. This table consists of 3 banks of 32 entries - each entry consists of a 2 byte page/offset combination giving the start of the "common word" within the data file. This should be a location in the Common Word Table. From: object_list To: object_list + global_prop_size - 1 Global Property Table. From: object_list + global_prop_size To: prop_ptr of Object 1 - 1 Object / Room List. This starts with Object 0 which is all zeros. Object 1 is actually the first object. From: prop_ptr of Object 1 To: global_vars - 1 Data: Object's Property Lists. Properties within each Object's Propertry List are arranged in descending order. If a property cannot be found in this list, it is assumed to be in the Global Property Table. From: global_vars To: input_word_buffer - 1 Global Variable Table. Variable 0 = Current Stack Entry. Variable 1 - 15 = Local Variables on Z-Machine's Stack. Variable 16 - 255 = two byte entries in this table. Note that there may be up to 255 variables. Thus this table may contain upto 240 entries ($1E0 bytes). Variable 16 = Current Location. Variable 17 = Score / Hour. Variable 18 = No. Moves / Minutes. From: input_word_buffer To: input_word_buffer + ( buffer_length * 2 ) - 1 ~ ( input_character_buffer - 1 ) Data: Input Routine's Word Buffer. First byte of the buffer contains the buffer length in words (including this byte). From: input_character_buffer To: input_character_buffer + buffer_length - 1 Data: Input Routine's Character Buffer. First byte of the buffer contains the buffer length in bytes (including this byte). From: input_character_buffer + buffer_length To: save_bytes - 1 Data: ??? From: save_bytes To: vocab_ptr - 1 Data: ??? From: vocab_ptr To: vocab_ptr Data: Size of "End Of Sentence" (EOS) Character Table. From: vocab_ptr + 1 To:: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size Data: "End Of Sentence" Character Table. From: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 1 To: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 1 Data: Size of each Vocabulary Table Entry. From: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 2 To: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 3 Data: Number of Vocabulary Table Entries. From: vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 4 To: resident_bytes - 1 Data: Vocabulary Table. (vocab_ptr + EOS Table Size + 4 + ( Size of Vocab Entry * Number of Entries )) * resident_bytes - 1. From: resident_bytes To: end of data file Data: Z-Code. Note: ----- * For Type 1 Data Files, there is no Common Word Table or Common Word Table Index. In this case, object_list * size of header. * For Type 2 Data Files, the Common Word Table and Common Word Table Index are smaller than for Type 3 Data Files. There is only one bank of 32 entries in the Common Word Table Index. Here, ( common_word_ptr + ( 1 * 32 * 2 )) * ( object_list - 1 ). * For Types 1 - 3, global_prop_size = $35. For Types 4 - 5, global_prop_size = $70. * The location of the input_word_buffer and the input_character_buffer can only be found by examining parameters passed to the input routine. The Infocom Data File Header. ----------------------------- /* ** Infocom Game Header Structure. */ struct header { byte z_code_version ; /* Game's Z-CODE Version Number */ byte mode_bits ; /* Status Bar display indicator */ word release ; /* Game Release Number */ word resident_bytes ; /* No. bytes in the Resident Area */ word start ; /* Offset to Start of Game */ word vocab ; /* Offset to VocabtList */ word object_list ; /* Offset to Object/Room List */ word globals ; /* Offset to Global Variables */ word save_bytes ; /* No. bytes in the Save Game Area */ word script_status ; /* Z-CODE printing modes */ char serial_no[6] ; /* Game's Serial Number */ word common_word ; /* Offset to Common Word List */ word verify_length ; /* No. words in the Game File */ word verify_checksum ; /* Game Checksum - used by Verify */ byte interpreter_number ; /* Number - Set by Interpreter */ byte interpreter_version ; /* ASCII Char - Set by Interpreter */ byte screen_height ; /* Screen Height - Set by Interpreter*/ byte screen_width ; /* Screen Width - Set by Interpreter*/ byte left ; /* Left Coord. - Set by Interpreter */ byte right ; /* Right Coord. - Set by Interpreter */ byte top ; /* Top Coord. - Set by Interpreter */ byte bottom ; /* Bottom Coord. - Set by Interpreter*/ byte max_char_width ; /* Max. Char. Width - Set by Interp. */ byte max_char_height ; /* Max. Char. Height - Set by Interp.*/ word padding1[3] ; /* Blank */ word function_keys ; /* Offset to Function Keys */ word padding2[2] ; /* Blank */ word alternate_alphabet ; /* Offset to Alternate Alphabet */ word mouse_position ; /* Offset to Mouse Position */ word padding3[4] ; /* Blank */ } ; /* ** Header Information. ** ** The 'z_code_version' byte has the following meaning: ** $00 : Not Used ** $01 : Game compiled for an early version of the interpreter ** $02 : Game compiled for an early version of the interpreter ** $03 : Game compiled for the current 'Standard Series Interp' ** $04 : Game compiled for the current 'Plus Series Interpreter' ** $05 : Game compiled for the current 'Advanced Series Interp' ** $06 : Game compiled for the current 'Graphics Series Interp' ** ** The 'mode_bits' byte performs the following functions: ** Bit 0 : Clear - Standard: Game Data Normal. ** Set - Standard: Game Data Byte Swapped. ** Clear - Advanced: No Colour. ** Set - Advanced: Colour. ** Bit 1 : Clear - Status Bar displays the SCORE. ** Set - Status Bar displays the TIME. ** Bit 2 : Clear - Plus: Boldface not Available. ** Set - Plus: Boldface Available. ** Bit 3 : Clear - Standard: Normal. ** Set - Standard: "Licensed to Tandy Corp" Flag. ** Clear - Plus: Capitalise instead of Underline. ** Set - Plus: Has Underline Capability. ** Bit 4 : Clear - Status Bar Available. ** Set - Status Bar not Available. ** Bit 5 : Clear - Split Screens not Available. ** Set - Split Screens Available. ** Bit 6 : Clear ** Set ** Bit 7 : Clear ** Set ** ** The 'script_status' word is used by Z-CODE to set printing modes ** for use by the interpreter: ** Bit 0 : Clear - Script mode off. ** Set - Script mode on. ** Bit 1 : Clear - Use any type of Font. ** Set - Use a Non-Proportional Font only. ** Bit 2 : Clear - Normal. ** Set - Status Line needs Redrawing. ** Bit 3 : Clear - Advanced: No Graphics. ** Set - Advanced: Graphics Available. ** Bit 4 : Clear - Standard: No Sound. ** Set - Standard: Sound Available. ** Clear - Advanced: No Undo. ** Set - Advanced: Undo Available. ** Bit 6 : Clear - Advanced: No Colour. ** Set - Advanced: Colour Available. ** Bit 7 : Clear - Advanced: No Sound. ** Set - Advanced: Sound Available. ** Bit 10 : Clear - Printer OK. ** Set - Printer Error (e.g.: Not Connected ). */ /* ** "mode_bits" Bit Definitions: */ #define GAME_DATA_NORMAL ((byte)0xFE) #define GAME_DATA_SWAPPED ((byte)0x01) #define NO_COLOUR ((byte)0xFE) #define USE_COLOUR ((byte)0x01) #define USE_SCORE ((byte)0xFD) #define USE_TIME ((byte)0x02) #define NO_BOLDFACE ((byte)0xFB) #define BOLDFACE ((byte)0x04) #define NON_TANDY ((byte)0xF7) #define TANDY ((byte)0x08) #define CAPITALISE ((byte)0xF7) #define UNDERLINE ((byte)0x08) #define STATUS_LINE ((byte)0xEF) #define NO_STATUS_LINE ((byte)0x10) #define NO_SCREEN_MODES ((byte)0xDF) #define SCREEN_MODES ((byte)0x20) /* ** "script_status" Bit Definitions: */ #define SCRIPT_MODE_OFF ((word)0xFFFE) #define SCRIPT_MODE_ON ((word)0x0001) #define USE_ANY_FONT ((word)0xFFFD) #define USE_NON_PROP_FONT ((word)0x0002) #define NO_REFRESH ((word)0xFFFB) #define REFRESH ((word)0x0004) #define VERSION_5_NO_GRAPHICS ((word)0xFFF7) #define VERSION_5_GRAPHICS ((word)0x0008) #define VERSION_3_NO_SOUND ((word)0xFFEF) #define VERSION_3_SOUND ((word)0x0010) #define VERSION_5_CANT_UNDO ((word)0xFFEF) #define VERSION_5_CAN_UNDO ((word)0x0010) #define VERSION_5_NO_COLOUR ((word)0xFFBF) #define VERSION_5_COLOUR ((word)0x0040) #define VERSION_5_NO_SOUND ((word)0xFF7F) #define VERSION_5_SOUND ((word)0x0080) #define SCRIPT_OK ((word)0xFBFF) #define SCRIPT_ERROR ((word)0x0400) /* ** "interpreter_number" Byte Definitions: */ #define XZIP ((byte)0x00) #define DEC_20 ((byte)0x01) #define APPLE_2E ((byte)0x02) #define MACINTOSH ((byte)0x03) #define AMIGA ((byte)0x04) #define ATARI_ST ((byte)0x05) #define IBM_MSDOS ((byte)0x06) #define COMMODORE_128 ((byte)0x07) #define C64 ((byte)0x08) #define APPLE_2C ((byte)0x09) #define APPLE_2GS ((byte)0x0A) #define TANDY_COLOR ((byte)0x0B)